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The Illustrared Encyclopedia of Pistols and Revolvers The Illustrared Encyclopedia of Pistols and Revolvers

Book VG Cond, Dustjacket has small tear

Our Price: $10.00
Standard Catalogue of Firearms 2nd Edn Standard Catalogue of Firearms 2nd Edn

Second hand, good cond, corners bumped

Our Price: $25.00
Illustrated History of Small Arms. Chant Illustrated History of Small Arms. Chant

Ex Library Book
Bumped on Corners
Good Condition

This is an invaluable guide to the personal weapons that helped decide the nature of warfare in the current century. Starting with a brief look at the technical aspects that paved the way for modern small arms, the book concentrates on the development & nature of weapon types such as the rifle, machine gun, sub-machine gun, & pistols that form the bulk of the personal weapons used throughout the 20th century. This detailed guide will appeal to the military specialist & the 'buff'. Includes tables of the main weapons together with their primary data.

Our Price: $25.00
Encyclopedia of Infantry Weapons of World War II. Hogg. Encyclopedia of Infantry Weapons of World War II. Hogg.

Secondhand G Cond.
A fully comprehensive and illustrated reference work including every major type of weapon used by every army in the world during the Second World War .

Our Price: $25.00
Islamic Arms. North. Islamic Arms. North.

This is a 48 page book that features some Islamic swords, guns and daggers from the Victoria & Albert Museum.

Our Price: $25.00
The American Shotgun. Butler. The American Shotgun. Butler.

Secondhand, Tattered dustjacket, else Good Cond.
Traces the story of the American shotgun: the matchlocks, flintlocks, early percussion guns and breech-loaders, and on to the famous makers - Sharps, Maynard, Parker, Remington, Winchester, Ithaca, A. H. Fox, L. C. Smith and others.

Our Price: $25.00
How to Buy and Sell Used Guns. Traister. How to Buy and Sell Used Guns. Traister.

Slight scuffing to covers else G Cond.
This comprehensive manual identifies and inspects practically every gun made - both modern and antique; what to look for when trading and collecting shotguns, centerfire and rimfire rifles, handguns and the growing branch of black powder arms; how to make sound investments; firearms safety as well as the most effective security measures for your collection. Gun dealers should be especially pleased with the contents of this book, as the data within can mean the difference, literally, between making a profit and filing for bankruptcy. How to Buy and Sell Used Guns is designed to help all buyers and sellers of used guns - potential ones and present ones - approach the practice more intelligently and profitably, enabling them to enjoy the practice as well as the end product more fully.

Our Price: $25.00
The Sporting Shotgun: a user's handbook. Marshall - Ball. The Sporting Shotgun: a user's handbook. Marshall - Ball.

Robin Marshall-Ball gives a very readable account of the modern shotgun and its use, beginning with a brief history of the species, a chapter each on the shotgun's parts, the double-barrelled shotgun, repeaters and single shots. Game shooting in Britain, Europe and North America receive a chapter each, taking the reader through such things as huge bags of Spanish partridge and goose shooting with 8 bores, and a lot more besides. Chapters include:- Evolution of the modern shotgun; Lock, stock and barrel - shotgun shooting jargon; The double barrel shotgun; Repeating and automatic-loading shotguns; Single-shot shotguns; Shooting in Britain; Shooting in Europe; North American shotgunning.

Our Price: $25.00
Arms of the World, 1911. Schroeder. Arms of the World, 1911. Schroeder.

Catalogue of Arms and the Outdoors. Shotguns - Rifles - Pistols - Airguns - Ammunition - Knives - Swords - Tents - Musical Instruments - Binoculars - Uniforms - Tools. Every Page in four Languages.

Our Price: $25.00
Military Small Arms of 20th Century. Hogg. Weeks. Military Small Arms of 20th Century. Hogg. Weeks.

Recognized internationally as the leading authority on military small arms, author Ian Hogg was given free rein on this edition; he has delivered the ultimate reference edition for all interested in the history of these arms.
Arms coverage includes:
Submachine Guns
Bolt-Action Rifles
Automatic Rifles
Machine Guns
Anti-Tank/Materiel Rifles

Our Price: $25.00
Standard Catalogue of Colt Firearms Sapp Standard Catalogue of Colt Firearms Sapp

Ex Neil Speed library

Standard Catalog of Colt Firearms contains Colt classics and cutting-edge models including Tommy guns, 1911 autos, and Monitors.
Provides pricing and identification data useful when monitoring online auction sites and research online sites for the best deals.
Features a foreword from Colt Manufacturing Co. Still America's oldest continually produced firearms brand, Colt may not be making as many new models as it once did, but the value of what's out there is on the rise; creating a robust market for collectors.
With 500 large-format color photos of Colt firearms and modern Colt clones, certified pricing in up to five grades of condition, serial number data, and details about legendary (Tommy guns) and trendy (Anaconda and .28 Supers) models, this one-of-a-kind reference helps you identify arms, and inspires your appreciations of Colt.

Our Price: $30.00
War Machines Land. Ransford. War Machines Land. Ransford.

Secondhand GC

The history of machine tools from prehistoric times to modern wartime, hard cover, many color photographs and black and white.

Our Price: $35.00
Colt Revolvers and the Tower of London. Rosa. Colt Revolvers and the Tower of London. Rosa.

From the early 1850s until the late 1860s, many thousands of revolvers were stored in the Tower of London. In 1851 Samuel Colt came to study its collections, the pieces he saw and wrote about, along with many other examples, are illustrated in this booklet.

Our Price: $35.00
Gun Owner's Book of Care, Repair and Improvement. Dunlap. Gun Owner's Book of Care, Repair and Improvement. Dunlap.

Mylar covered G Cond.
Basic guide to repair and maintenance of guns. It is written for the average firearms owner, the hunter, plinker, farmer, target shooter, who finds it more and more difficult to get a gunsmith to handle minor repairs and adjustments.

Our Price: $35.00
Revolving Arms. Taylerson. Revolving Arms. Taylerson.

Small tears to dustjacket, else G Cond.
The history of mechanically-rotated revolving cylinder firearms, in England, on the Continent, and in the United States of America, from their inception up to the present day. Naturally it deals primarily with handguns or "revolvers" but the book also recognizes and describes other types of firearms which use this ammunition-feed system.

Our Price: $35.00
The Arms Collection of Colonel Colt. Wilson The Arms Collection of Colonel Colt. Wilson

Book Cond Excellent. Considerable scuffing to dust jacket and small tears.

Our Price: $45.00
The Accurate Rifle. Page The Accurate Rifle. Page

Second hand, GC, smudging to cover and slight bumping to corners.

The classic work on rifle accuracy by the shooting Editor of Field & Stream magazine for 24 years.

Our Price: $45.00
The NRA Gunsmithing Guide. NRA The NRA Gunsmithing Guide. NRA

G Cond, some scuffing to spine
some scuffing to spine and edgesCompiled from articles in the Amaerican Rifleman of various dates in the 1960s 1950s. 336 pages illustrated with numerous b&w photographs and diagrams.

Our Price: $45.00
In The Gunroom - New and Revised Edition. Burrard In The Gunroom - New and Revised Edition. Burrard

Usual aging discolouration to pages and dustcover because of the acid free paper used. Binding tight, small tear to dustjacket else G Cond.
"One hundred questions concerning shotguns answered by one of the greatest living gun experts. A unique and necessary little book to every man who handles shotguns or rifles, for it gives information that is not obtainable elsewhere." "It is now more than twenty years since the first appearance of this littlebook. .As the years have passed, I have found that some problems seemed to become out of date, while others have been repeated again and again and seem never to lose their attraction or interest. But there have also been new difficulties and possible misunderstandings which must almost inevitably accompany any new departures in fire arms and ammunition .In this new Edition I have, therefore, tried to bring the subjects included up to date, while at the same time retaining those which by constant repetition have been proved to be of more than individual or passing interest, and thus increasing the total number of Questions and Answers considerably."

Our Price: $45.00
Shotguns and Cartridges. Thomas. Shotguns and Cartridges. Thomas.

No Dustcover, Red cloth rubbed, binding good.
Signed copy.

An excellent little book on the practical use of the sporting shotgun in which the author, an engineer by trade, explains in great detail various different aspects of the sport of shooting.
Chapters include history, gun choice, patterns, chokes and recoil. Ever practical, the author also describes several experiments which could help you understand what’s going on and improve your shooting.

Our Price: $45.00
Yankee Arms Maker. The Incredible Career of Samuel Colt. Rohan. Yankee Arms Maker. The Incredible Career of Samuel Colt. Rohan.

Secondhand. some grubbiness to cloth cover. G Cond.
Yankee Arms Maker. The Incredible Career of Samuel Colt.
Book Ownership inside front cover.

Our Price: $45.00
Book of Pistols and Revolvers. Smith. Book of Pistols and Revolvers. Smith.

G Cond, No Dustjacket.
Analysis of pistols and revolvers from 26 countries. The most significant of the military or official government handguns as well as those for commercial and target shooting.

Our Price: $45.00
Modern American Centerfire Handguns. Trzoniec. Modern American Centerfire Handguns. Trzoniec.

Examines the centerfire handguns manufactured by American companies and discusses the accessories, maintenance, and handling of centerfire pistols and revolvers

Our Price: $45.00
Old Guns & Pistols. Boston. Old Guns & Pistols. Boston.

Practical information of value to collectors including a list of British and American gunsmiths.

Our Price: $45.00
The Saturday Night Special. Sherrill. The Saturday Night Special. Sherrill.

The Saturday night special : and other guns with which Americans won the West, protected bootleg franchises, slew wildlife, robbed countless banks, ... with the debate over continuing

Our Price: $45.00
Handguns Americana. De Witt. Sell Handguns Americana. De Witt. Sell

Essentiallly a manual for identification and evaluation of the types and models. A history of the development of American cartridge handguns.

Our Price: $45.00
The Gun and its Development. Greener. 9th Edn The Gun and its Development. Greener. 9th Edn

Secondhand, no dustjacket, G Condition, original owner name on fly.
1st published in Great Britain in 1881 & revised 9 times between then & 1910. Traces the fascinating history of weaponry. The classic, authoritative reference of interest to marksmen, hunters, gun collectors, & military or industrial history buffs. 400 B&W photos & engravings; 846 pgs.
Covers the obscure, ancient origins of the slingshot and the bow, the invention of the crossbow, possibly around 1000 AD; the introduction of gunpowder into Europe in the fourteenth century; the development of sporting and military guns over the centuries thereafter; and the rise of modern, mass-produced firearms in the early twentieth century.
Chapters cover early to modern handguns; gunpowder ignition methods from fuses and flintlocks to percussion fulminates; shotguns; hammerless guns; ejector guns; the history of the firearms industry; manufacturing methods and their development in Britain, America, and elsewhere; how to use and handle different types of guns; ballistics; the development of rifling and smokeless powder; and much more. Copiously illustrated with photographs and marvelous engravings.

Our Price: $55.00
A History of Spanish Firearms. Lavin A History of Spanish Firearms. Lavin

Second hand VG Cond. Some slight scuffing to the dust jacket, binding tight

History of firearms through their golden age to the death in 1825 of Isidro Soler, the last of the great Spanish gunsmiths.

Our Price: $55.00
Russian Infantry Weapons of World War 2. Baker, Walter. Russian Infantry Weapons of World War 2. Baker, Walter.

Secondhand VGC, no dustjacket.

This is the first attempt to reveal in one volume the history and development of the infantry weapons used during WWII by the Russians . Each weapon is illustrated and fully described , often with the aid of specially commissioned photographs.

Our Price: $55.00
Colt Single Action Army Study. Moore Colt Single Action Army Study. Moore

Ex Neil Speed Library

C. Kenneth Moore
It has been over a quarter of a century since the publication of A Study of the Colt Single Action Revolver, the classic, definitive guide to the Colt Single Action, the world's most famous and popular pistol. Now C. Kenneth Moore, one of the original authors, is back to fill in the gaps and set the record straight. Decades in the making, this impressive new study brings us entirely up to date, including all the new research that the author has painstakingly gathered over the years. Inside these covers, each page is just packed with useful information about the Single Action - nearly all from primary, archival sources and presented here for the very first time. The serial number data alone will astound you. This is the kind of detailed knowledge that Colt collectors demand, and no collector of Colt revolvers can afford to go without this valuable new resource.
Also included:
* Automatic Ejector Models
* Special section on low serial numbers
* U.S. Army testing data * New details about militia S.A.A.s
* A true wealth of cartridge info

Our Price: $55.00